April 22, 2011 marks Canada's 31st annual Earth Day, and it is typically a time when businesses, schools and individuals reflect on their impact on and their relationship with the environment. This week I received a sales-y news bit from Homesense in which they touted their participation in Earth Hour on March 26.
"Earth Hour?" I mused, "Isn't Earth Day in April?" So, I read on, and it appears that at 8:30 p.m. on March 26 Homesense will be turning down the lights at all of their retail locations for (surprise!) one hour. This requires an announcement?
Earth Hour, is an initiative of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and is simply meant to illustrate how little differences add up, and I guess to raise a whole lotta awareness for the WWF.
Businesses and individuals can pledge and post nifty things that they will do in the dark on March 26 at 8:30 p.m. Well, I know I have no personal shortage of cynicism, but is this lame or what? Let's get the jump start on Earth Day and do Earth Hour!
Maybe next year, some other organization will do Earth Minute and steal a little face time from the WWF...mmm... see a pattern?
Self-serving lip service to the environment is just that - we need to care and commit to enviro-friendly choices every day to make a significant impact; don't kid yourself. It's very simple -- this is where we live, in closely-shared accommodations, and the maid just quit. So, DIY everyone - in the dark for one hour and otherwise.