Merriam-Webster defines "doneness" as "the condition of being cooked to the desired degree." With food preparation, this is a relatively easy assessment – visual cues, internal temperature, response to touch and time passed all provide confirmation of doneness.
In the advertising and marketing world, doneness can prove to be a tad more elusive. As marketing professionals, we understand the value of well-defined planning and implementation strategies. Superficially simple project "storefronts" often disguise complex networks of beginnings, middles and ends, all monitored and staged to achieve the desired goal.
The challenge lies in promoting the unseen value to the client – when you ask, we deliver and it all seems so effortless! Like ballerinas smiling through the pain, our job as marketing professionals is to achieve results without letting the sweat marks and blisters show. The down side of performing efficiently is the perception of "ease" – by making it look easy, our value sometimes drops in the minds of the client.
Another pitfall to "doneness" is knowing when a project is complete and when to transition to other phases or tactics. Commonly, things are under-done or over-done – and of course, anything that is done poorly is better left undone! In our volatile world economy, many companies are caught in progressive belt-tightening – to the point where new buckle holes have to be punched but you're running outta leather. Even modest budgets can be leveraged by professional marketers to maximize your message, leaving you free to concentrate on revenue generating activity.
The final word on doneness? Well, when you find yourself stretched too thin, overwhelmed by the tasks at hand and unsure of your direction, you are experiencing personal doneness. We can help!