Have you been letting things slide? Are you weary of wrestling with others to gain an inch and lose a foot? At the end of another disappointing day, do you console yourself with cliched comfort phrases like "Don't sweat the small stuff" and "Don't worry, be happy?" Have you ever thought that all of the small stuff adds up, and maybe you really should be sweating it out a bit?
In 2008, our world markets took a headlong tumble that has turned out to be more than a superficial blip on the economic timeline. Three years later, we find that many businesses are muddling aimlessly, hampered by apathy and fear. Instead of thinking larger, they are thinking smaller - what about my job; what about my pension; how will I retire? This excessive focus on the self does not lend itself to inclusive, progressive global solutions.
Thinking of your current work situation, ask yourself some tough questions:
- What would my ideal scenario look like?
- How can I see my ideal unfolding?
- What are the barriers - what am I afraid of?
Write your thoughts down, allowing them to flow out freely without questioning and analyses. Seeing your concerns on paper can help to put them in perspective. You will also find that writing the words on paper makes the problems seem smaller and less scary - with things in proper perspective, you realize that the ability and power to create and enjoy what you envision and desire is innate. This exercise also helps to gain some perspective into what motivates you, and by so doing, you can flip the off switch back to "on!"
Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best when he quipped, " This time, like all times, is a very good one if we know what to do with it." Don't let it slide - embrace the changes, good with the bad; get on board and enjoy the ride.