We've all experienced personal frustration - the person who always waits for you to call or initiate; the complainers who resist/shoot down any new approaches; the "seeing is believing" types who drain your time and energy with demands for information and then still don't commit. What more can you do when you've done all that you can? Right - the answer is "nothing" - absolutely nothing!
In a working context, the frustration is compounded. One industry contact of mine likened working in our current market to "always being on a job interview." What a great analogy! You've never "really" got the job - there's always someone waiting in the wings to jump in and do the work - not necessarily as well as you, but they might be offering a "start up discount" for service, or be new in town, or be a relative or friend of someone.
What fuels this lack of commitment? And why is there trepidation about change or moving forward? Typically, it's fear, but there are a number of factors impacting the wishy-washy, noncommittal state of our world:
- Economic factors have caused us to doubt/question everything and every one
- Over-analysis paralysis and fear, or lack of trust, that someone really has the knowledge and/or experience that they say they do
- Unrealistic expectations and deadlines that can't be met (so we'll find someone that can, except can/do they really?)
- Not a fit - accept that you are on a different page and walk away
- You don't have to "start over" every time because there is established knowledge of your history, culture and goals
- Your workplace is augmented by a team with other, or at least complementary skill sets, knowledge, experience and bench strength
- You can dedicate more time to focus on your core, revenue-generating responsibilities
- You might actually feel an alleviation of stress and worry, knowing your team has you covered
It's about commitment.